Language courses at EBC

Language training by EBC is always tailor-made. During an intake interview we discuss your entry level, wishes and goals. We take the levels of the European Framework as departure point. This is followed by a recommendation, free of charge and without obligation, given in the form of an individual training programme. The start date of the training, training days and times: everything is determined in consultation with you. Both the content and planning of the language training will be fully tailor-made. Individual training is usually given at the office of EBC, while group training is normally provided on location.

Intensive and semi-intensive courses
Want to learn a language fast? Then our intensive and semi-intensive courses may be your answer. This intensive one-on-one language training will bring your language skills to the required level fast and efficiently. You determine the pace of the training. An intensive course comprises whole days of training, from 9am until 5pm, consecutively or with a break. The semi-intensive course comprises sessions or evenings, to be followed between 9am and 10pm, which can be spread out across a longer period of time, like one session per week.

A private course can be followed by two persons of the same organisation and similar level. The second student will receive a 50% discount.

Want to learn a language in 5 days? You can! At EBC you will be given intensive private lessons during the day and in the evenings. Once you have completed the course, you will be more fluent, know about manners and you can even think in the specific language.

You determine when your training starts. If you opt for Wednesday or Thursday as start day, you will have a break during the weekend. Want to spend the night in Bergen op Zoom? De Bourgondiër and B&B De Drie Scheepkens are within walking distance of EBC.

Multimedia room and e-learning
In the multimedia room we offer a tailor-made programme to support your private lessons. You will receive professional guidance from a language assistant if necessary.

In-company training
Do you have a group of employees who could benefit from language training? In that case, EBC’s in-company training is the answer. Just tell us about your business situation and specific wishes and we will set up a practical programme that ties in neatly with the level of your employees.

Day-to-day examples from your business – reports, letters, e-mails, manuals, specifications – will make the training immediately applicable. The ideal group size is 6, but this can be deviated from by agreement. You can set your own hours: in or outside working hours.

Language courses at EBC

Courses Info
Intensive course

Een spoed cursus bestaat uit hele dagen tussen 9 en 17 uur, waarvan de dagen opeenvolgen of met een pauze tussen de dagen

Semi-intensive course Deze intensieve één-op-één semi-spoed cursus brengt uw taalvaardigheid snel en doelgericht op het gewenste niveau. De semi-spoed cursus volgt u in dagdelen of avonden tussen 9 en 22 uur, verspreid over een langere periode: bijvoorbeeld één dagdeel per week.
All-in courses Want to learn a language in 5 days? You can! At EBC you will be given intensive private lessons during the day and in the evenings
Incompany language course Taalcursus voor uw medewerkers, bij EBC of bij u op bedrijf of kantoor. EBC verzorgt trainingen in alle talen, op alle niveaus, voor alle branches en mét succes.
Business / technical course Duidelijk taal spreken in een zakelijke en/of technische omgeving?
Writing Wilt u duidelijke teksten kunnen schrijven in elke taal?
Refresh course In 16 of 32 uur, verdeeld over 2 tot 10 weken, maakt u in onze multimediaruimte een vruchtbare start met de gewenste taal, waarbij u zelf uw tempo en lestijden bepaalt.


As an employer

Are you an employer looking for the best training for your employee(s)?

Learning methods and resources

At EBC Language Institute, we have many different learning opportunities. You decide when you start, learn or get lessons. We advise you about the content and scheduling.


Please call us on 0164 26 56 79, or fill out the form below. Together we will discuss the possibilities and the costs of attending an Italian course. Following this call, you receive free advice for a tailor-made course.