Welcome to the EBC Language Institute!
Every person is unique. So every student is different. EBC offers you language training geared to who you are and what you need.
Thanks to the skills of our language trainers, who are native speakers, you will learn the language you need. They quickly and efficiently help you to communicate in a foreign language confidently. The time and frequency of your training are set entirely in accordance with your agenda.
Our translation department translates your written texts and our interpreters will assist you during oral meetings.
EBC for businesses, authorities and individuals
EBC offers businesses and authorities a language training that is geared to the working situation. Specific language, technical, commercial or financial jargon. Language that can be used during phone calls, conference calls, presentations and meetings. For contact at any level: on the work floor, both in the management team and the board; at engineering and HR; at Customer Services and Sales. EBC has a large number of very loyal customers from a wide range of industries: from fruit and vegetables and the chemical industry to the food industry and ship-building. Directors, politicians, journalists and footballers also come to EBC to improve their language skills.
Private individuals who need a language as an expat, for their studies or social contacts are also offered a programme that suits their specific needs.
Blog (currently only available in Dutch)
Nieuwe subsidieregeling voor laagtaalvaardige werknemers
Taalcursus: met spoed gezocht! Nieuwe subsidieregeling voor laagtaalvaardige werknemer Ongeveer 1 op de 9 Nederlanders heeft laaggeletterdheid. Deze mensen hebben moeite met lezen en schrijven. De Rijksoverheid wil dit veranderen aan de hand van een project. Wat houdt...
Taalcursus: met spoed gezocht!
Taalcursus: met spoed gezocht! Wilt u snel uw talenkennis verbeteren of een nieuwe taal leren? EBC taleninstituut heeft voor u de oplossing. Een spoedcursus onder begeleiding van de allerbeste taaltrainers. Spoed taalcursus, wat is dat? De spoedcursus bestaat uit 5...
Manageable learning in practice: Clarifying new language
Manageable learning in practice: Clarifying new language Motivated learners are more likely to engage in learning both inside and outside the classroom. An inspiring webinar by Craig Thaine from Cambridge University Press, followed by our teachers. We keep on...